Longon is the main capital in Modr. Empress Modrana rules here.
Flint is the nation of Tsarina Serafina and the capital is Enamore.
Travel’s End is where all the dead and other thing at sea meets. Many years of this has turned it into an island of the dead.
Galdagon, a fishing village full of cultists. In the hills are Grim Valley, Rye Valley, and Lonesome Peak, a mountain full of mines.
Norserus, where the stubborn Norselings live. The largest civilisation before the endless tundras of the North.
Onara in Sardonia. Kaiserin Evla’s capital in the nation of Nedra.
Myrr, a town of diversity.
The Bogland, the mire where 12 children were lost. Also where Malin Vratylia has her magical teahouse.
Feng, Chieftain Tondra’s nation. Land of wolves.
Wisdom Horn, mountain of the Norns, oracles of vast knowledge.
Walking mermaids.
Mermaids and blood pearls
The Deadlands. You don’t want to be here.
Miran, spicy city in the East.
The Crematorium and the White Cliffs.
Hushed Hill, Venedikt’s home in Longon