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I saw this image online of some abandoned railway line circling the city of Paris, and I felt compelled to remake it in Unreal Engine 5, using Quixel Megascans and other items from the marketplace. In my writing, places like these are what I easily imagine in my head, so it is incredible to be able to build and also to add gaming function. I feel right there in my books and I cannot wait to add my wanderers (the zombies).

Unreal’s foliage painting is simply amazing. And the lumen lighting drives me wild as it makes anything you work on gorgeous right away. (Heavy on the GPU in edit mode, though. Unreal crashed a lot before I changed to unlit and )

I made it possible to walk around. The sound of the footsteps needs to be more realistic as I’m walking on grass and water, but that is a future challenge.


Author Mayka

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